Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Episode 3: Adam Norwitt -- Amphenol Corporation
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
This episode features Adam Norwitt, our President and CEO, as we discuss many topics related to the COVID-19 outbreak. We talk about the initial response in China and how the amazing leadership there helped lead the way, we talk about balancing the entrepreneurial management style of Amphenol with the need for high-level corporate leadership at a time like this, we talk about some of the great success stories at our divisions, and we talk about what the new normal may look like once this is over as together we combat the coronavirus pandemic around the world.
Hosted by Chris Cappello. Music by Square Seed.
For Amphenol FRONTLINE podcast guest inquiries and suggestions: send an email to ccappello@amphenol-aao.com or send a LinkedIn message to https://www.linkedin.com/in/cjcappello