Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Episode 26: Julie Hoben -- Amphenol Industrial Products Group
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
This episode of the Amphenol FRONTLINE podcast features, Julie Hoben, Global Compliance Director for the Industrial Products Group, as she discusses the concept of contact tracing and why it's so important to ensure the health and safety of our employees. We talk about risk management and how the contact tracing method doesn't need to be perfect, but it needs to be effective. We also talk about setting up a cross-functional team before deploying wearables devices to assist in contact tracing. Please visit Amphenol Connections or the Frontline dashboard for more information -- as together we combat the coronavirus pandemic around the world.
Hosted by Chris Cappello. Music by Square Seed.
For Amphenol FRONTLINE podcast guest inquiries and suggestions: send an email to ccappello@amphenol-aao.com or send a LinkedIn message to https://www.linkedin.com/in/cjcappello