Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Episode 21: Corinne MacDonnell -- Times Microwave Systems
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
This episode features Corinne MacDonnell, EH&S Manager for Times Microwave Systems. We talk about the importance of environmental, health, and safety guidelines from the start of the COVID-19 outbreak and how she and other Amphenol EH&S managers have had to adjust over time. We also briefly talk about the technology that integrates UV for facility filtration systems and we discuss some of the ways to keep people safe outside of the workplace -- as together we combat the coronavirus pandemic around the world.
Hosted by Chris Cappello. Music by Square Seed.
For Amphenol FRONTLINE podcast guest inquiries and suggestions: send an email to ccappello@amphenol-aao.com or send a LinkedIn message to https://www.linkedin.com/in/cjcappello